Message Management & Control made easy
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Product News
Why RevSoft is ideal for Cloud.
(February 8, 2022)
RevSoft does not use Log4j
(December 15, 2021)
ORACLE DataBase Support
(July 24, 2018)
What is it ?
(May 4, 2021) (8:47)
(January 14, 2021) (7:20)
(January 14, 2021)
Control and manage messages on any platform throughout your Enterprise to increase:
Accuracy Efficiency Throughput
Messages or log entries are native on each platform and REV MESSAGE monitors each of these sources to allow you to gain total control
On iSeries REV MESSAGE monitors:
On Linux and Unix REV MESSAGE monitors:
On Windows REV MESSAGE monitors:
As REV MESSAGE is exactly the same model, it runs natively on all platforms
The same Windows .NET User Interfaces are used for all platforms:
One education plan fits all Operating Systems
You control the database locations
The ONLY platform that must have a Local database is iSeries as every i5OS installation has a DB2 instance. On every other platform YOU are in TOTAL CONTROL of the database locations – which can be Local or Remote.
At RevSoft we do have a simple rule:
A Mission Critical server should have a Local database – as long as the Server is up the RevSoft Application Tasks will be executed.