REV MESSAGE can 'listen' to the JDE Job Logs on the ERP Server(s).
The 'listening' can be performed:
- In Real time – i.e. as they arrive in the log,
- Historically – after the fact and can be done on any Server type – e.g. LINUX Logs on WINDOWS.
As Log Entries are detected/read they are checked against pre-defined Rules to exclude any non-critical Log Entries – so ONLY critical Log Entries and processed.
The raw JDE job log could be like:
As REV MESSAGE 'listens' to the logs it will translate the Log Entries and then check them against the E1 exclusion rules:
There are also Message Text Rules for exclusion:
As we can see in the example of the JDE job log above:
Log entry 1:
process 14624 registered in entry 42:
would be excluded from processing due to the Exclusion Rule entry Sequence 10 as 'process' is detected in the 1st characters of the Log entry.
Log entry 2:
Starting Kernel of Type:SECURITY KERNEL:
would be excluded from processing due to the Exclusion Rule entry Sequence 20 as 'Starting' is detected in the 1st 8 characters of the Log entry.
Log entrie 3-5:
KERNEL RECYCLING: This kernel will start recycling at Sun Feb 05 03:30 (using time of day of Sun:03:30)
KERNEL RECYCLING: Kernel PID (14624) will consider users inactive after 360 minutes (using inactive-user elapsed time of 6:00
KERNEL RECYCLING: Kernel PID (14624) will do a forced exit at Sun Feb 05 15:30 (using forced-exit elapsed time of 12:00)
would be excluded from processing due to the Exclusion Rule entry Sequence 280 as 'KERNEL RECYCLING' is detected in the 1st 20 characters of the Log entry.
Log entry 6:
would be excluded from processing due to the Exclusion Rule entry Sequence 40 as 'INITIALIZING' is detected in the 1st 12 characters of the Log entry.
Log entry 7:
LIB0000630 - Error - output buffer too short to hold decrypted text string
would be sent for processing as it does not meet any current Exclusion rules.
Log entry 8:
LIB0000569 - WARNING!!! [SECURITY][Password] Password not encrypted in the INI
would be excluded from processing due to the Exclusion Rule entry Sequence 50 as 'LIB0000569' is detected in the 1st 10 characters of the Log entry.
We are only wanting to process critical messages such as:
These will then sent to REV MESSAGE for processing.