The REVUBEXML command allows you to soft code #variables as well as making the RUNUBEXML process more secure.

The REVUBEXML on non IBMi Series looks like

/PATH= Location of the RUNUBEXML command.
/USER= E1 User ID.
/PWD= Password for value in /USER.
/ENV= E1 Environment.
/ROLE= E1 Role.
/REPORT= E1 Report ID.
/VERSION= E1 Report Version.
/JOBQ= Job Queue.
/HOLD= Hold on Job Queue.
/CREATECSV= Create CSV file output.
/PRINTER= Printer ID.
/DATASELECT= Data Selection.
/PROCESSOPTIONS= Processing Options.
/DELETE= Delete .xml files.
/JDECONNECT= DSN for E1 Database.
/JDESCHEMA= E1 Schema name.
/JDEHOST= E1 Host name.

The REVUBEXML on IBMi Series looks like

Type choices, press Enter.  
RUNUBEXML location . . . . . . . PATH Library of the RUNUBEXML command.
User Name  . . . . . . . . . . . USER E1 User ID.
Password . . . . . . . . . . . . PWD Password for value in USER.
Password File  . . . . . . . . . PWDFILE Password file with USER & PWD.
  Library . . . . . . . . . . .  
Environment  . . . . . . . . . . ENV E1 Environment.
Role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROLE E1 Role.
Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . REPORT E1 Report ID.
Version  . . . . . . . . . . . . VERSION E1 Report Version.
Job Queue  . . . . . . . . . . . JOBQ Job Queue.
Hold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOLD Hold on Job Queue.
Printer  . . . . . . . . . . . . PRINTER Printer ID.
Create CSV . . . . . . . . . . . CREATE_CSV Create CSV file output.
Data Selection . . . . . . . . . DATA_SEL Data Selection.
Processing Options . . . . . . . PROC_OPT Processing Options.
Delete .xml files  . . . . . . . DELETE Delete .xml files.
SVM Library  . . . . . . . . . . JDESCHEMA E1 library name.
SVM Library local  . . . . . . . SCHEMALCL Local Server or DRDA.

Variables in RevSoft modules are identified by a # Prefix.

Defining some of the REVUBEXML arguments/keywords with User variables (#USR) makes updating the value quick and centralized:

will execute as:

Defining /PWD an Encrypted variable (#ENC) will NEVER expose the Password in Scripts and DB Tables:

will execute as:

The Password is displayed in ALL of the .xml files so the REVUBEXML command has the /DELETE argument/keyword to delete all .xml files used in the process.

Date variables can be passed in the Data Selection (/DATASELECT):

Where #DATPSCH is defined as Today less 4 months in CCYYMMDD Format.

When executed on 4th May 2022 would look like:

User variables can also be used in the Processing Options:

Where #USR_PWSJ is defined as 90.

When executed this would look like:

When the REVUBEXML command is executed REV SCH stores the E1 execution value in #OW variables that can be used:

Value Variable Name Length   Description
20220503 #OWACDT 8   JDE Last Date.
71551 #OWACTM 6   JDE Last Time.
JDV920 #OWENHV 10   JDE Environment.
R09801_ZJDE0001 #OWFUF2 30   JDE Future Use 2.
UBE #OWFUNO 4   JDE Object Type.
01JDEDBENWB #OWFUS1 30   JDE Future Use 1.
11888 #OWJOBN 15   JDE Job Number.
01 #OWJTYP 2   JDE Job Type.
01JDEDBENWB #OWOHST 40   JDE Origin Host.
16560 #OWPROC 15   JDE Process ID.
6017 #OWPRTQ 10   JDE Print Queue.
5 #OWPTY 2   JDE Priority.
QBATCH #OWQUE 10   JDE Job Queue.
R09801 #OWREPT 20   JDE Report Name.
20220503 #OWSBDT 8   JDE Submit Date.
71549 #OWSBTM 6   JDE Submit Time.
ZJDE0001 #OWVERS 20   JDE Version Name.

As an example we can access the .pdf created by using the variables:
, Or

Would be translated and execute as:

The UBE .pdf can be sent as an attachment to an email.

Using the RJCHKPDF command you can search for strings on the UBE .pdf.
e.g. After the GLPOST (R09801) search for 'One or more batches had errors'.

Using RJRTVPDF you can retrieve strings/data from the UBE .pdf.

Script Definition Script Execution
revubexml.exe   revubexml.exe
/PATH="#USR_E1_INST_LOC\System\bin64"   /PATH="C:\JDEdwards\E920\System\bin64"
/USER=Revsoft   /USER=Revsoft
/PWD=#ENCREVSOFT_PWD   /PWD=<encrypted>