One of the things we always liked about the IBMi server was the ability to enter a command press F4 and be prompted through all the keywords so that you could get the correct syntax. RevSoft created the Command Builder to allow to start with a command template and then the Command would be ‘built’ as you entered the values for the arguments/keywords. The REVUBEXML command builder looks like:
As you enter values the command line is built.
The Command Builder can also be used to 'reverse engineer' commands by sampling dragging and dropping the Script into the Command Line area.
From the Command Builder you can view and select /DATASELECT values. Clicking on the Data button will retrieve the defined Data Selection values for the Report/Version. You will have to have the JDE User and JDE Password values or #Variables entered as they are used for Authentication.
From the Command Builder you can view and select /PROCESSOPTIONS values. Clicking on the Data button will retrieve the defined Processing Options values for the Report/Version. You will have to have the JDE User and JDE Password values or #Variables entered as they are used for Authentication.