As REV SCHEDULER can read a .pdf we thought that it would be good to be able to retrieve text from a .pdf. In REV SCHEDULER we have the RJRTVPDF command that can do that. The RJRTVPDF operates by navigating to the starting point in the .pdf text using the value in the /SCAN value and then retrieving the required text using the /NEXT value.
In this case we are looking to position to the text values of /SCAN='EQ=Batch Ty/Number'
The value will then be used to update the value of a User Variable (#USR) in this case #USR_LAST_GOOD_BNO. That User Variable can then be used in:
The Flowchart of this complete Scheduled Job looks like:
For a Good Batch the processing would look like: The Script definition uses the Run Time E1 One World variables to resolve to the correct .pdf:
The run time E1 One World execution variable for this UBE look like:
This executes as:
The Log shows the results for the Retrieve.
A Good Batch will execute the corresponding Scripts and Bypass the Bad Batch Scripts.
For a Bad Batch the processing would look like: The Script definition uses the Run Time E1 One World variables to resolve to the correct .pdf:
The run time E1 One World execution variable for this UBE look like:
This executes as:
The Log shows the results for the Retrieve.
A Bad Batch will execute the corresponding Scripts and Bypass the Good Batch Scripts.