REV SCHEDULER® Reading a UBE .pdf REV SCHEDULER® Reading a UBE .pdf

After submitting a UBE for processing why not check any .pdf for issues in the same scheduled job that submitted the UBE.

In REV SCHEDULER we have the RJCHKPDF command that can do that.

In our GLPSOST Example we will be checking the R09801 output .pdf file for the string 'One or more batches had errors'.


The Flowchart of this complete Scheduled Job looks like:

GLPOST Process Diagram

Script sequence 30 executes the RJCHKDPF and if it completes:

  • Normal – i.e. Scan string DOES NOT exist – it will then proceed to the next Sequence (Sequence 35) for a Good Batch,
  • Abnormal – i.e. Scan String DOES exist – it will proceed to the next Sequence after 100 for a Bad Batch.

GLPOST Scripts

The Script definition uses the Run Time E1 One World variables to resolve to the correct .pdf:

/SCAN='EQ=One or more batches had errors'  

The run time E1 One World execution variable for this UBE look like:

GLPOST OneWorld Variables

This executes as:

/SCAN='EQ=One or more batches had errors'  

If the text string 'One or more batches had errors' IS NOT found the RJCHKFIL command will return NC (Normal Completion) – this will be a Good Batch.


If the text string ‘One or more batches had errors’ IS found the RJCHKFIL command will return AC (Abnormal Completion) – this will be a Bad Batch.


The complete Job Scripts look like:

GLPOST Scripts

Good Batches are processed by Script sequences 35 – 60.

GLPOST Good Batches

Bad Batches are processed by Script sequences 95 - 120.

GLPOST Bad Batches